Chatbots & Apps

Best CRM Tools & Technology: Chatbots & Apps

Would you like to take advantage of the new opportunities offered by digitalization via modern customer communication and loyalty by means of user-friendly chatbots and apps?

We’re happy to advise you with AI-supported chatbots and app solutions. In new customer acquisition, these support address generation and lead acquisition through dialog-based communication. In sales, chatbots can increase your conversion rates and revenues by selling products and services directly from the messenger service. In customer service, chatbots create efficiency potential by automating responses to frequent and general customer inquiries (FAQs) and seamlessly routing specific inquiries to the right service unit. This also increases the speed of response to customer inquiries, thereby creating a high level of customer satisfaction. We offer holistic solutions from workshop execution and requirements definition, UX design, implementation and app programming to operations management for your chatbots and apps based on a modern technology framework and with innovative user front-ends.

Your added value and benefit of our Chatbots & Apps offering:

  • We offer you the opportunity to respond to changing customer behavior and altered communication and interaction requirements in the context of digitalization.

  • Depending on the use case, chatbots can open up optimisation potential for you on the revenue side (e.g. in sales by increasing the conversion rate and direct offers/sales from the chatbot) or on the cost side (e.g. through automation of standard cases and automated case forwarding to the right service unit and acceleration of processes in customer service).
  • App solutions contribute to an outstanding customer experience through an innovative user front end – this enables you to offer new contact channels and services during digitization.

Other relevant components from our service portfolio in this context: