Best CRM Tools & Technology: Business Cases & TCO
Do you need a detailed business case for a CRM investment decision (e.g. CRM over-evaluation, introduction of an analytics suite) that compares benefits (qualitative and quantitative) and costs?
The calculation of a business case and the total cost of ownership (TCO) provides you with a structured and transparent set of tools to support your CRM investment decisions in more detail. This may be to justify an investment decision in comparison to a baseline scenario (status quo) or to substantiate a selection decision between different investment alternatives. We build the business case on available and measurable metrics, our best practice experience, and certain assumptions that we discuss and derive in expert workshops. Furthermore, the business case offers you the possibility to simulate different scenarios and the sensitivity analysis to change certain influencing variables in order to get a better feeling and higher transparency about the profitability of your CRM investment decision.
Your added value and benefit of our Business Cases & TCO offering:
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