Customer Journey

Best Customer Experience: Customer Journey

Against the backdrop of an increasingly complex communications landscape, are you facing the challenge of offering your customers a consistent customer journey and attractively designed channels?

The first question in this context is: “what does your relevant customer target group look like?”. To this end, we offer you support in developing suitable customer segmentation and defining B2B and B2C buyer personas. This helps significantly to give your customers and target groups a “face” and make them as tangible as possible. Continuous customer journeys can then be developed for the defined buyer personas, which can be differentiated in various use cases according to customer types, product types and service occasions. First, the actual customer journeys can be documented with the respective offline and online contact points and the resulting positive or negative customer experience at the contact points can be recorded. Based on the as-is analysis, the optimized target customer journeys are then defined.

Your added value and benefit of our offering Customer Journey:

  • By analyzing, visualizing and optimizing your customer journeys, you optimize the customer experience of your customers and create positive customer experiences at the “moments of truth” via continuous customer journeys (online and offline) without media breaks
  • The identification of personas and derivation of an appropriate customer segmentation is the basis for establishing a needs-based customer interaction for different customer segments – the definition of use cases according to customer types, product types and service occasions shows the differences in the customer journeys of your customers and helps to uncover and remedy any weaknesses with a negative customer experience
  • Optimizing the communications mix across the customer journey, from brand building to impact monitoring, helps build long-term, loyal customer relationships

Other relevant components from our service portfolio in this context: