BCM. Maturity Assessment – including „Fan-Principle“

Customer Management in the crisis

The Covid crisis is putting companies’ customer relationships at risk. Due to the massive restrictions on personal contact, familiar communication is suffering – and at the same time, the use of contactless, digital channels is irrevocably exploding as a result of the crisis.

Digitalization has become a reality from one day to the next – and every company must ask itself the question: How is our customer management positioned? Do we have the right answers to current challenges? Because customer relationships are currently under massive threat.

Based on our BCM. Maturity Assessment, we support you in evaluating all essential dimensions of your customer management in a 360-degree view and deriving an optimized strategy for controlling from it. This makes you one of the champions in the crisis!

Your special plus: After only one workshop day (digital execution), we tell you how you are positioned in the important 8 maturity dimensions – and where your budget needs to go in the coming year.

8 Key dimensions within customer management

Is your company customer-centric and demand-oriented? This can only be achieved through a coherent interplay of the various dimensions of customer management.

Where does your company stand in relation to the eight maturity dimensions?

Positioning & CM Strategy

Customer Orientation

Organization & Leadership

Smart Data

Customer Analytics

Customer Interaction

Reporting & Performance Measurement


Processes& Tools

Your added value and benefit:

Our BCM. Maturity Assessment Customer Management leads to economic quick wins and sustainable optimization of your business goals

Customer Management & Data-driven Insights can be used to implement value-creating measures that lead to a significant increase in revenue

  • Cost reduction
    … through impact-optimized budget deployment.
  • Revenue enhancement
    … through optimized market cultivation and customer interaction.
  • Increased efficiency
    … through process optimization and increased customer focus.

Your path to success

  • 1-day workshop, implemented digitally
  • Target group: Your relevant stakeholders from management, sales, HR, IT, market research, marketing,…
  • Content:
    – Assessment of your current and target maturity level in customer management
    – Execution of a gap analysis along the 8 dimensions
    – Derivation of concrete measures and recommendations for action
    – Development of a strategic roadmap
Start now!

Where do you stand?

The analysis of the 8 important dimensions- shows you at which level you and your company are. Are you already one of the champions? Or rather among the starters? In which processes do you need to invest on the way to modern customer orientation – and above all, where can you simply save the investment?

Maturity portfolio


Champion: High customer-centric orientation of the organization, high effectiveness in shaping high-quality customer relationships. Successes are systemic, identify need for optimization if necessary.

Performer: Customer-centric orientation of the organization, effectiveness in creating high-quality customer relationships. Successes are systemic, with simultaneous potential for development.

Pragmatists: Low customer-centric orientation of the organization, high effectiveness in creating high-quality customer relationships. Successes are less systemic.

Methodists: High customer-centric orientation of the organization, low effectiveness in shaping high-quality customer relationships. Systemic elements aim past the market.

Starter: Low customer-centric orientation of the organization, low effectiveness in creating high-quality customer relationships. Future establishment of a customer-centric organization should be a priority.

Build on your success with our Maturity.Check!


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Free Quick.Check

Answer these important 8 questions for a first impression of your company’s maturity level. (In German)

To the Quick.Check


At one glance

Would you like to know more about the BCM. Maturity Assessment, the procedure and the solution approach? Then order our one-pager – free of charge.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!
