Churn Management

Best Customer Analytics & Insights: Churn Management

Are you facing the challenge of losing valuable customers through churn and want to stop this development and proactively counteract it?

With our churn management approach, we support you in proactively preventing the churn of your valuable existing customers and retaining them. The retention of loyal existing customers is generally much more cost-effective than the acquisition of new customers, and the longer a business relationship lasts, the higher the customer value and thus the economic success. In churn management, we analyze and forecast customers at risk of churn using statistical models (descriptive and predictive). Furthermore, we design suitable end-to-end churn processes in customer interaction to operationalize your churn management. Together with you, we derive recommendations for action as well as suitable measures and “rescue packages” to prevent churn and retain your valuable existing customers.

Your added value and benefit of our Churn Management offering:

  • Gain valuable customer insights about the profiles and patterns of your churn-prone customers and the likelihood of your customers churning, which are determined from historical data using statistical forecasting models and then applied to your existing customer base.
  • These insights are used to develop proactive customer retention activities to prevent customer churn that is predicted to be highly likely from occurring in the first place – by linking churn probabilities to customer value, you focus on your highest value customer segments first, which contributes to efficient budget allocation for churn prevention activities.

  • Through a functioning churn management, an immediate monetary value is created, based on the fact that avoiding the churn of high-value customers is economically more efficient than a cost-intensive acquisition of new customers.

Loyalty & Churn Management

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