Tool-Analyzer: Find the right tools for your success!

Your ticket to a successful future

Choosing a CRM or CX system is almost a decision for life: It is one of the most important selection processes on the way to an innovative and successful future for a company.

Because no matter how big your company is, no matter which industry, no matter whether B2B or B2C: The right CRM/CX tool helps you to position yourself in a customer-centric and innovative way and to sustainably and noticeably differentiate yourself from the competition. The BCM. Tool-Analyzer supports you on your way to success.


The right CRM/CX tool enables you to …

  • Get to know your customers in a holistic and well-founded way.

  • Plan, optimally execute and track your interactions with all customers in a data-driven way.

  • Have an overview of your sales and marketing activities at all times.

  • Maintain strong relationships with existing customers.

  • Sell more products and services based on demand.

  • Improve communication between sales and marketing teams.

  • Find suitable new customers, develop them sustainably and connect them emotionally to your company.

  • Turn your customers into fans of your company.

Sample Booklet: Getting through the CRM selection process efficiently

A specification sheet guides you through the selection process for your CRM/CX system. Because this is where you consolidate your individual requirements for your new CRM solution.

Save a lot of work, time and money with our free sample load booklet:

  • Define your requirements based on your business processes, priorities and goals.
  • Cover all important dimensions: Business objectives, functional, technical and analytical requirements.
  • Choose the best fit for your requirements from different systems.
  • Keep your eye on the target, with the requirements specification as a guide.

Without a doubt, a good CRM system is a must for every growing and especially for every established company. At some point, the time will come when it is no longer an option to manage one’s customer data in Excel spreadsheets, switching from one document or system to another in order to identify sales opportunities. To shape the future, you have to think differently!”

Thomas Hamele, Managing Partner,
BCM. Best Customer Management. GmbH


Details on the BCM. Tool-Analyzer

Learn more about the solution approach and the project procedure with the BCM. Tool-Analyzer here.

Free Download

Which software provider offers what service? Wrong question…

The biggest mistake you can make when choosing a CRM/CX system is to review vendors and try out different functionalities. Instead, focus on your company’s needs, business processes and priorities. Only then should you compare these with the functionalities of different tools and providers. Also with a view to your budget, you should then decide whether you need all or only some of the functions that a CRM solution offers.

Make use of the professional and provider-independent advice of BCM. – founded on more than 20 years of experience!

These are the questions we should discuss:

What are the most inefficient processes in your company? And what would you like to improve with a CRM system?
What pain points or pressure points currently exist in your dealings with your B2C or B2B customers that you would like to resolve?
Who in your company will use the CRM system? How many users do we need?
What dependencies to other systems (such as the ERP system) exist in your company and what should the integration or IT architecture look like?
What budget do you have planned for the introduction of a CRM/CX tool?

Webinar: With the right CRM and CX tools to success!

In the webinar, Thomas Hamele explains:

  • Why only software that is also in line with the company’s defined CRM/CX strategy leads to customer enthusiasm and success…
  • How our tried and tested methodology for too-evaluation helps you find the right CRM/CX tool solution for your company from over 40 tools on the market…
  • The consequences of inactivity and outdated or inappropriate tools – and the price your company will pay if you do not act (return on ignorance approach).


View the recording here! (In German)

The BCM. Tool-Analyzer: structured & objective decision-making aid

Our approach to CRM tool evaluation offers you a structured procedure model and decision support for the evaluation and selection of the CRM tool that is suitable for you. Completely neutral and independent, we select and recommend the tool tailored to your needs from over 50 different providers.

  • How we do it:

  • The tool evaluation includes a holistic CRM requirements analysis and the definition of relevant CRM use cases.

  • On this basis, we make a preliminary selection of suitable tools and a shortlist of providers.

  • An important component in the selection process is a proof of concept and a tool demo based on selected CRM use cases..

  • Based on the requirements fit, a cost analysis and your assessment of usability and look & feel, we create a decision recommendation for the appropriate CRM tool.

  • We also support you with the calculation of a detailed business case for your investment project.

  • Your added value and benefit from the Tool-Analyzer:

  • Transparent and object-oriented investment decision for your CRM tool through validation of business and technical requirements and comparison with CRM use cases.

  • CRM tool selection according to a structured selection process that takes into account how well selected CRM use cases are mapped and how well the look & feel suits you.

  • Basis for decision-making based on “requirement fit” and cost aspects of the respective CRM tool candidates.

  • The approach:

The CRM Tool-Analyzer examines the “fit” of the CRM tool to your requirements based on various dimensions:

  • How well can your CRM strategy be implemented with the CRM tool?

  • How well does the software provider fit your IT strategy?

  • What are your technical requirements and the functionalities you need?

  • What non-functional requirements do you have for the CRM tool?

  • What are the licensing, implementation, maintenance and operating costs of the CRM tool?

  • What resources may need to be built up internally or are available externally?

  • What are the technical requirements for the CRM tool?

  • How is the tool integrated into your existing IT infrastructure?

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
