CRM Tool Evaluation

Best CRM Tools & Technology: CRM Tool Evaluation

You would like to select a new CRM tool or evaluate an existing CRM tool with regard to its future suitability and need decision-making support for tool selection?

Our approach to CRM Tool Evaluations offers you a structured process model and decision support for evaluating and selecting the CRM tool that is right for your company. We validate your investment decision on the basis of business and technical requirements. This includes a holistic CRM requirements analysis and the definition of relevant CRM use cases. On this basis, we conduct a vendor pre-selection of suitable tools as well as a vendor selection list (short list). An important component in the selection process is a proof of concept and a tool demo based on selected CRM use cases. Based on the requirements fit, a cost analysis and your assessment of usability and look & feel, we create a decision recommendation for the best fitting CRM tool. We will also be happy to support you with the calculation of a detailed business case for your investment project.

Your added value and benefit of our CRM Tool Evaluation offering:

  • We support your future investment decision for a CRM tool by validating business and technical requirements and including cost aspects (licensing, implementation and maintenance costs), thus obtaining a transparent and objectified basis for decision-making.
  • If required, you have the option of underpinning the decision with a detailed business case to further justify it and simulate certain scenarios or get a feel for the sensitivity of individual influencing factors on ROI.

  • By means of a CRM tool evaluation, you select the suitable CRM tool on the basis of your company-specific needs and, in the course of the selection process, gain important insights into how well potential CRM tool candidates can map selected CRM use cases and how the look & feel fits you when working with the respective CRM tool candidates.

CRM Toolevaluation

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